All in On other's hard work

A Post About Good Books

Over on SOCIAL MEDIA, an endless stream of everyone else's shit, sometimes you might find yourself TAGGED or CHALLENGED to, like, dump a bunch of ice water on your head or BE THE ONE PERSON WHO CARES ENOUGH FOR VETERANS TO NOT JUST LIKE BUT SHARE THIS POST or buy cheap RayBans from criminals, or something. Recently, I was tagged in one of those goofy nü-chain-letter tag-fests. Normally, I'd ignore it with appropriate, removed disdain, as one should ignore any awful social pestilence, like "the wave" at a sports stadium, for example. But this was about books! I like books!

John Oliver Savagely Dunks on Second Grader

When you refuse to even nod in the direction of the rapid pace of change, when you dismiss the sincere concerns--to be clear (again again again) I think they're mostly wrong--of millions as absurd random nonsense, you only exacerbate the divide. You're not interested in conversation with these people, you believe them to be outside The Project. And then they go and elect a screaming lunatic and huckster as president of the United States, the shrieking and growling fruit of our rotten tree, just for the indignant satisfaction of having a flaming middle finger in your face all the time.