If there's one thing this world needs, in times like these, it's another blog by a white fella talking about the news and culture he loves to hate.
If there's one thing this world needs, in times like these, it's another blog by a white fella talking about the news and culture he loves to hate.
Unless otherwise noted, all posts on this site are authored by, and the property of, Bob Howard.
In an effort to fill up my Old Man of a Simpler Time bingo card, I subscribe to Sunday delivery of The New York Times. The real, physical, environment-destroying paper, for some reason! Not only, in my experience, does this give me fatherly license to ignore my children until well into the afternoon on Sundays, it also has provided me with unlimited access to the Times online.
But it's certainly not enough to merely read the news, is it? No, one (re: I) must comment on the news. And one (I) must not merely comment on the the news! No, one (I) must create elaborate websites and social media profiles and publish those comments for many, many dozens of people to potentially see, and rightfully ignore.
This project has the added benefit of keeping me (mostly) out of the comments and saying mean things to your dumb friends and various cousins and uncles and grandparents on social media. An "added benefit" of course suggests that there is some sort of initial or primary benefit, of which I can definitively say there is not actually one.
In short, what we have here is a way for me to voice my, ahh, voice without interrupting the stream of baby pictures and hilarious memes and legitimately terrifying opinions about politics and the world on Facebook with my own nonsense, as instead I will be dumping my own nonsense here, on the off chance that you want to read it.