All in Linkstorm!

Friday Night LinkDump TakeStorm! Or TakeDump Linkstorm! Or, whatever!

"The morality of any given entity or situation isn’t secondary to him--it’s utterly non-existent, a non-factor. I think this comes out of a peculiar sort of reductive nihilism--a specific sort that I first noticed in very redneck-y poor white people, but I recognize more and more elsewhere, now. They believe they have discovered the absolute base, terrible nature of our true humanity, and have no illusions about it. Everyone is just another shit-stain human being. None of us are any better, all of us are utter shit with nothing to redeem us. To pretend otherwise is just the false, politically-correct nonsense of “putting on airs.”

“You ain’t no better than me, because none of us is any better than our absolute worst selves,” they believe. All of us just crabs in a big ol’ bucket."

"The distance between *what this actually says* and *how our enemies are going to use this against us* has been entirely eliminated, regardless of the actual original content. "We must interpret what is before us only in the terms that the lowest common denominator will interpret it, and then reject the whole thing without a second thought," they're effectively saying. Or, it must be South Park's fault that some Twitter egg or Pepe the Frog quotes Cartman's "your tears are delicious" while shitting on your heartfelt terror about the Trumpian State online. That asshole certainly wouldn't have found some other way to bum you out, if South Park had never existed, I guess.

John Oliver Savagely Dunks on Second Grader

When you refuse to even nod in the direction of the rapid pace of change, when you dismiss the sincere concerns--to be clear (again again again) I think they're mostly wrong--of millions as absurd random nonsense, you only exacerbate the divide. You're not interested in conversation with these people, you believe them to be outside The Project. And then they go and elect a screaming lunatic and huckster as president of the United States, the shrieking and growling fruit of our rotten tree, just for the indignant satisfaction of having a flaming middle finger in your face all the time.