Why Trump's actually pulling out of Paris

As Trump pulls the US out of the global climate agreement, keep in mind that his only motivation is merely to whip everything into an angry froth while avoiding any possible accusation that he has been cucked, in the regrettable parlance of our times. Of course he's pulling out of the Paris climate accord. This should surprise no one.

The impact will be less damaging to the environment than the subsequent hysteria will have us fear (probably). The greater impact is to the US's ability to lead on any issue of global import. Why deal with us in good faith, if our (ahem) democratic process (market forces, essentially) push our politicians to make policy entirely out of a fear of having their inferiority complexes proven entirely valid?

"The question is, what purpose does [pulling out of Paris Accord] serve? What economic or philosophical policy goal is advanced? The answer is that it satisfies the same elemental partisan tribalism that has allowed Trump to hold together his party.


"The dominant spirit of conservative thought — or, more precisely, verbal gestures that seek to resemble thought — is not even skepticism but a trolling impulse. The aim is not so much to reason toward a policy conservatives would favor as to pierce the liberal claim to the moral high ground."


Finally, the truth!

The view from inside the bubble.