In Defense of Roy Moore

In Defense of Roy Moore

Rough annotated transcription of the closing remarks from today’s sermon.

Before we go today, I’d like to say a few things about the, ahh, the Grand Ol’ Elephant in the room, so to speak. Now, I’m not supposed to speak on politics specifically, from up here--though, God-willing, there’s a change on the way for that--but I think it’d be more strange than not, to ignore all what’s been going on with regard to our state at the national level. I won’t tell you how to vote coming up here on Toosdy, a course, just that you should, and that you should vote as the good God-fearing Christians that you are. I won’t speak on Judge Moore’s politics, and I won’t speak on what’s in his heart, as that’s between the Judge and Jesus. But there’s a few things I want to point out about the Judge, and some of the allegedly controversial things he’s said. Not to tell you how to vote. I’m not going there. But these things--these things are just true. And no matter what the media or the rest of the secular leaders in this country say, the Truth still matters here in Alabama, and across this once-great country.

Judge Moore has said that homosexual conduct should be illegal. That’s just scriptural, folks. It may not be popular right now, and it may not be an easy position to hold to, in today’s permissive and so-called tolerant environment, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s purely scriptural. The wages of homosexuality is death. That’s not some radical new understanding of the holy text, that’s what’s been laid out for us in the Good Book. You’ve got to twist yourself into all sorts of new-agey half-baked soft pretzels to take anything but that conclusion from the scriptures.

Judge Moore has said that a Muslim ought not serve in the United States Congress. Though it may hurt some feelings, I’m afraid that’s just scriptural, too. Islam rejects our laws and our God in favor of their own false prophet. George Washington took his oath of office on the Christian Bible for a reason--our liberties are endowed not by some multi-cultural amorphous modern blob of a deity, but by a very specific God--ours, the God of Isaac and Abraham, and the Father of Christ. Scripture says that we must have no other gods before The Almighty. Not Allah, not Mohammed, but our Lord. Scripture says you cannot serve two masters. You serve our Country, and so long as you keep the Lord centered and present in that service, in so doing you serve our God. This is how we ensure that our government’s authority is properly derived, a blueprint for governance and reverence for that just authority laid out beautifully in Scripture. As Judge Moore has said, the First Amendment itself is established out of scriptural principles. Thus is our government’s holy mandate established, and the ongoing validity of that mandate hinges on our collective respect for the underlying scripture that gave birth to this nation. We turn away from the Lord, and we pay. That’s just scriptural, too.

Finally, let’s turn to some of the more...prurient aspects. Now, I can’t tell you what did or did not happen between Judge Moore and that woman, the one who went on television in New York and told the world what she did. And I can’t tell you whether or not Judge Moore was pursuing young women to marry when he was a little bit older than they were. But I can assure you, there’s nothing un-Christian about pursuing chaste, proper, virtuous, young Christian women to properly wife in holy matrimony. Scripture calls on women to submit themselves to their husbands as they submit to the Lord, more than once, actually. Now let me ask you, who is more likely to submit to a husband as she does to the Lord: A 16 or 17 years-old young woman, raised in a proper Christian home, still under the moral authority of her own parents? Or a woman closer to the Judge’s age at the time, a 30 years-old spinster who has spent half her life away from home and maybe the church, at college and in the work force, exposed to all the secular temptations of this modern world? Sometimes you hafta cast a wide net, age-wise, to find a Godly woman. In the pursuit of a Godly marriage, it makes perfect sense that Judge Moore would seek out younger women, less likely to have been corrupted by a world that is increasingly detached from the Lord. A wife’s role, as established in the Scripture, is at her husband’s side, submitted to his will, subject to his just position as head of the family. I’m not saying that it would have been impossible for Judge Moore to find a wife closer to his own age that fit this biblical mandate, just that perhaps it’s easier to find in the mind of a child--er, a younger woman, that is. There’s no doubt that a younger woman, unaccustomed to independence and self-sufficiency, is more likely to understand her proper role. And so he did! The Lord saw fit to first put the Judge’s lovely wife in his mind when she was 15 or 16 years-old, and eight years later they would go on to marry and have a lifelong marriage that is a shining example for all of us.

Now, as I said, I’m not telling you how to vote on Toosdy. That’s not my place! But should you choose to vote for Judge Roy Moore, know that you’ll find no quarrel with your choice in Scripture. Quite to the contrary, in fact. That’s just True.

So that’s that. Before we end, I want to remind everybody that Wednesday evening we’ll be hosting the Christmas social...

End transcript.

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